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The rush that comes with the start of a new school year in September (or maybe August, depending on location) has passed and it’s on to the routine disruptions of holidays in October and November. Does it seem like just about every week another holiday is celebrated?
For ELLs who are new to the U.S., Columbus Day, Halloween, Election Day, Veterans Day, and Thanksgiving might all be new to them. Daylight Savings Time ends too. Teachers can help their students who may not know why these holidays are celebrated or what the traditional ways of celebrating them are by doing activities that provide information about them and are not just for fun.
A Fall day in Massachusetts; source: The ESL Nexus |
What products do you have that you use with English Language Learners to teach them about Fall holidays? Please link up to two products below. They can be for any holiday in October or November but should be resources you have used with ELLs or designed with ELLs in mind. Please do not link up resources for December—that will be the focus of another linky party. If you do accidentally upload the wrong resource, you can delete it by hovering your cursor over the thumbnail and then clicking on the trash can icon that appears.
(Next week, I'll finish my series about behavior management tactics that work with middle school students.)